BLM-Brooklyn President and Council Candidate Wants Black History in Schools

Afro-Carib City Council Candidate Anthony Beckford, who is running for City Council District 45, has been advocating for black history in education and thus, came out in support of New York State Senate and Assembly bill known as the Black History Education Bill.

He says it will help bring about the empowerment of our children and our communities, provide the opportunity for the children to realize the greatness and truth of their history and to teach them that their existence did not start and will not stop with slavery.  He says he “strongly believes in the greatness of Black Culture” and that “our children need to identify with that.”

“History books have taught our children many lies and watered down facts. These books have taught them that their history starts from bondage, which then conditions them to accept the continuous systemic oppression and bondage in society.”

Council Candidate Beckford started a petition to support the passing of the bill, which so far garnered over 100,000 signatures.

The bill would include the history of Afro Americans, Afro Caribbeans, Afro Latinos and the African Diaspora as a whole. This taps into the indigenous history of many other ethnicities. “The teaching of Black History will also help to counter many of the bias and racist teachings and conditions that many non-Black children are subjected to within their homes,” said Mr. Beckford.

The bill would create a mandatory year round curriculum of Black History as described above.

3 thoughts on “BLM-Brooklyn President and Council Candidate Wants Black History in Schools

  1. I’m a conservative, but indeed, black history SHOULD be taught as part of a curriculum of World and American History. Why would one NOT teach it? It’s part of history, people need to know it. Period. Leaving out parts of education leaves one partially educated and that’s not a goal.

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